AbokiFx Free Currency Converter

*Due to current government policy Abokirate is not able
to display Dollar-Naira Black Market Exchange Rates

Naira to Dollar Bank Exchange Rate

CurrenciesRateChange %

Currency exchange rates in NGN on September 15, 2023

London FX Rate; Daily News on Pound Sterling Rate

You can now check daily pounds to dollar exchange rate, and also the rate of the UK pounds against other currencies. 

You can use our currency converter to check the rate of 1 GBP to 1 dollar. We publish daily rates, so you can trust the figures on our currency table.

Abokifx Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate Today

Are you curious about the abokifx dollar to naira exchange rate today?

With all the activities going down in the parallel market, a lot of people have taken to the internet to check for the rate of dollar to the Nigerian naira.

You can check for this value right now on Abokirate without any hassle.

How to use the Aboki Fx Currency Converter

Do you always send money to your loved ones? And you aren’t sure about the official exchange rate and even the black market exchange rate?

In this video tutorial below; I’m going to show you how to use the Aboki fx currency converter.

The currency converter can be used to get accurate Aboki dollar to naira today, Aboki dollar rate in Nigeria today, and other exchange rates today.

Crypto Exchange Table

Exchange table
CurrenciesRateChange %

Currency exchange rates in NGN on September 15, 2023

Naira Market Rates

What is naira market rates?

Keep abreast on the daily naira market rates today; daily US Dollar to Naira, USD to NGN, Black Market (Lagos) exchange rates, percentage changes, and currency converter.

Aboki Exchange Rate

Looking for Aboki exchange rate Abokirate is the most trusted platform for daily information on conversion rates like, dollar to naira exchange rate, black market rates, pounds to naira exchange rate and news from the forex market.

Aboki Exchange Rate In Nigeria Today

Aboki Exchange Rate In Nigeria Today 2023

What is Aboki exchange rate in Nigeria today 2023?

It is 2022 and people are rushing to the internet to get accurate Aboki exchange rate in Nigeria.

If foreign exchange rate, Forex market news, MoneyGram exchange rate, Western Union exchange rate, and ATM Bank rates get you excited, you should check out Aboki Fx.

 Abokifx Rate is an online platform that provides accurate and daily Forex exchange rates – Aboki exchange rate, dollar rate to naira in the black market, abokifx canadian dollar to naira – and recent news on events as they break at the Forex market. 

Also, the platform boasts of a currency converter tool whose main function is to give the exchange value of the different currencies available and a currency exchange table providing recent changes to over 163 currencies in the world.

On the platform, an average user is expected to get live exchange rate of the dollar (USD) to the naira, pounds sterling (GBP) to naira, Euro (EUR) to naira, Canadian (CAD) dollar to naira and so on as the list is endless. 

For more information on the following; Aboki exchange rate, Abokifx your daily naira exchange rate, Aboki dollar rate in Nigeria today, Aboki.com money, Abokifx exchange rate in Nigeria today, Aboki Forex exchange rate today, exchange rate moneygram, and Aboki exchange rate in Lagos today, continue reading this article.

Abokifx exchange rate in nigeria today black market

You can now check Abokifx black market exchange rate today here on Abokirate… confirm dollar to naira exchange rate at the parallel market today before completing your transaction.

Aboki dollar rate

Aboki dollar rate in Nigeria today

Aboki Dollar Rate Today

Check for dollar to naira exchange rate today on the website.

You can also compare dollar to naira bank exchange rate to black market exchange rate with ease.

Lastly, you can use our currency converter to get accurate value now.

This is how the free currency converter on Abokirate looks like.

How to use Aboki Fx Rate

Black market exchange rate, your daily naira exchange rate, naira to dollar exchange rate, dollar to naira black market exchange rate today are some of the things you can check on the Aboki Fx Rate website.

Asides providing you with the currency exchange rate of the naira, you can check for the values for the USD, GBP, EUR, CEDI, and other currencies.

Australian Dollar to Naira Exchange Rates

Australian Dollar to Naira exchange rate is
AUD +1.21%

Currency exchange rates in NGN on September 15, 2023

Central African CFA Franc to Naira Exchange Rates

CFA Franc to Naira exchange rate is
CAD –0.04%
AUD +0.34%
GBP –0.01%

Currency exchange rates in USD on September 15, 2023

Qatari Riyal to Naira Exchange Rates

Riyal to Naira exchange rate is
QAR +0.64%

Currency exchange rates in NGN on September 15, 2023

Turkish Lira to Naira Exchange Rates

Lira to Naira exchange rate is
CAD –0.04%
AUD +0.34%
GBP –0.01%

Currency exchange rates in USD on September 15, 2023

United Arab Emirates Dirham to Naira Exchange Rates

Dirham to Naira exchange rate is
CAD –0.04%
AUD +0.34%
GBP –0.01%

Currency exchange rates in USD on September 15, 2023

Moneygram Exchange Rate in Nigeria

Moneygram Dollar Rate In Nigeria

Moneygram is an American company many people across the world use to transfer money to their friends and families. Moneygram offers clients with an efficient and reliable means of sending money to other people in different parts of the world.

Before sending money, you have to be sure about the various rate before sending the money. You can check for moneygram dollar rate in Nigeria here.


GTBank Exchange Rate

GTBank also known as Guaranty Trust Bank is one of the top tier banks in Nigeria.

GTBank customers can now receive foreign currency in USD, GBP and EUR. Other foreign currencies may be received, but must first be converted to one of the three currencies stated above. 

GTBank rates for USD, EUR, CAD, GBP, CNY, INR, AUD, ZAR, TRY, MYR, RUB, AED, GHS and EGP are listed under the currency converter table on our home page. Head on here to find out more to day.

Aboki.com Pounds to Naira Exchange Rate

Currency exchange rate
GBP +0.87%

Currency exchange rates in NGN on September 15, 2023

Aboki Fx

The currency converter calculator

On the currency converter calculator, you can check the value of any amount of currency for the central bank rates and even the black market – or the parallel market like some people call it.

For easy understanding, we are going to explain how to use the currency converter calculator using an example.

Let’s say you want to check the black market value of 100 USD to naira. The steps to be taken are outlined below;

  • Open the Aboki Fx section.
  • Change the market value to your preferred option, in our case it is the black market.
  • Next, type in 100 in the first space provided on the calculator and change the currency to USD.
  • The value will be displayed immediately on the next section, but if the value you get isn’t in your desired currency, you can also check that section to your preferred section. Which in this case is the naira.

Forex market News

This section provides an average user with News from every month about the events taking place in the forex market so they can make informed decisions.

Check out MoneyGram exchange rates, Western Union exchange rates, ATM rates, for more financial articles.

Abokifx Naira to Dollar Bank Exchange Rate

Abokifx Rate also provides live and updated naira to dollar bank exchange rate as it changes in the Forex Market.

An average user can also find the live exchange value for other currencies used by other countries. Some of these currencies include; Australian dollar (AUD), Chinese Yen (CNY), Japanese Yaun (JPY), South African Rand (ZAR), Ghanaian Cedi (GHS), and so on.

If you are looking for the official bank rate for dollar to naira, pound to naira, naira dollar exchange rate, visit this section of Abokifx Rate today.

Rand to Naira Exchange Rates.

Rand to Naira exchange rate is
ZAR +0.78%

Currency exchange rates in NGN on September 15, 2023

Cedi to Naira Exchange Rates

Cedi to Naira exchange rate is
GHS +0.82%

Currency exchange rates in NGN on September 15, 2023

Indian Rupee to Naira Exchange

Rupee to Naira exchange rate is
INR +0.83%

Currency exchange rates in NGN on September 15, 2023

Kuwaiti Dinar to Naira Exchange Rates

Dinar to Naira exchange rate is
KWD +0.86%

Currency exchange rates in NGN on September 15, 2023

Baba Ijebu Result

Checking Baba Ijebu result for today and Baba Ijebu result for yesterday’s game is now easier than you can imagine.

How to Play Baba Ijebu Online

Gone are the days you had to visit Baba Ijebu shop to get your Baba Ijebu game result. You can play Baba Ijebu online and you can also check for your result using a USSD code or visit the Baba Ijebu website here.

Big Brother Naija

Big brother naija also called BBNaija is the Nigerian version of the big brother franchise. The reality TV show follows the lives of a number of contestants living in isolation. 

The show usually runs for about 90 days and the winner goes home with the grand prize. For a winner to emerge, each contestants must avoid being evicted by viewers.

For more on BBNaija, head on here to read past and current news on the popular reality show.

Waptrick games and Apps

What is Waptrick?

Waptrick.com is the best source for free mobile games, 3gp videos, full mp4 films, Android games, photos and wallpapers. You can now choose your favorite Waptrick category and browse for Waptrick Videos, Waptrick wallpapers, Waptrick games and more free mobile downloads.


Aboki euro rate in Nigeria today

Are you looking to make a euro to naira money transfer but you aren’t sure of Aboki euro rate in Nigeria today?

Do not worry, we got you.

You can use Abokifx currency converter to compare the live euro currency rate within the foreign exchange markets.


Bet9ja; Nigeria's Biggest Sports betting company

How to make money from Bet9ja

Bet9ja is the biggest sports betting company in Nigeria offering a variety of sport betting services like soccer, virtual, tennis, basketball and other live betting experiences. 

To make money from this website, a player must place a bet or a wager against or for one of the teams playing against each other.

Bank Rates

Gtbank dollar to naira exchange rate

Find the value of Gtbank dollar to naira exchange rate…The value of one dollar to naira at Guaranty Trust Bank is available on our website.

Saudi Arabian Riyal to Naira Exchange Rates

Currency exchange rate
SAR +0.87%

Currency exchange rates in NGN on September 15, 2023

Aboki fx Euro to Naira Exchange Rate

Aboki Euro Rate in Nigeria Today

What is Aboki euro rate in Nigeria today?

Check Euro rate in Nigeria today for easy exchange rate conversion. Compare euro exchange rate to naira with ease without having to pull out the calculator. 

Currency exchange rate
EUR +0.99%

Currency exchange rates in NGN on September 15, 2023

Aboki Euro Rate in Nigeria Today

What is Euro to naira aboki rate?

Find the latest euro to naira aboki rate here before you complete that transaction.

Euro, the official currency of European Union, is the second most exchanged currency with Nigerian Naira.

You can find the most recent euro to naira exchange rate in Nigeria today by visit Aboki Rate’s home page for more information.

Aboki com Canadian Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate

Currency exchange rate
CAD –0.04%

Currency exchange rates in USD on September 15, 2023

Check for Canadian dollar to naira exchange rate for free on Abokirate today.

The currency code for Canadian Dollar is CAD while the symbol is $. 

Abokifx Exchange Rate in Nigeria Today

Lots of people are beginning to take to the internet to look for Abokifx exchange rate in Nigeria today.

You can now stay abreast on Abokifx exchange rate in Nigeria today, black market exchange rates, Lagos parallel rates, Aboki exchange rate in Nigeria today 2021, bank ATM rates, and other parallel market currencies.

If you belong to this category of people, you can get all the exchange rates for various currencies and more using our currency converter.

Market Analysis

The Naira appreciated against the dollar to close at N440/$1 on Tuesday at the black market. This translates to a N25 gain when compared to the N465/$1 exchange rate on Monday, August 31.

Refer to the tables for information on:

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Malaysian Ringgit to Naira Exchange Rates

Check for accurate Malaysian Ringgit to Naira Exchange Rates today using Abokifx rate currency converter. 

You can convert 100 Malaysian Ringgit to naira easily by using the converter now.

Russian Ruble to Naira Exchange Rates

Discover the most current Russian Ruble to naira exchange rate using our Abokirate currency converter. The currency code for Russian Rubles is RUB. The currency symbol is denoted as ₽.

Baba Ijebu Lotto Game

Baba Ijebu lotto game is a betting game that can be played both online and offline. The game, Baba Ijebu can also be called Premier lotto and it is the most popular lotto game in Nigeria.

Kesington Adebutu is the founder and owner of the Baba Ijebu game. This man is also popularly called “Baba ijebu.”

Baba Ijebu is a really popular lotto game in Lagos, Oyo, Ogun, and Edo states. The lotto game isn’t as popular in the eastern part of the country, but distribution plans are already in the works to reach these locations.

If you would love to learn how to play baba Ijebu lotto game you can head over to here to get started now.

Baba Ijebu Website

Have you been confused on what the right Baba Ijebu website is?

Wondering if it is www.babaijebu.com or some other URL?

The official Baba Ijebu website is www.babaijebu.ng. You can play the Baba Ijebu game on their website, mobile phone or in store.

How to play Baba Ijebu

You can play Baba Ijebu game by predicting five numbers from one to ninety. To win, a player has to predict 2 right numbers out of the initial five numbers. 

Baba Ijebu Pay Me My Dough

It won’t be news if you hear regular patrons of Baba Ijebu chanting ‘Baba Ijebu pay me my dough today.’

This slang translates to players asking Baba Ijebu to give them their prize money for playing and winning the popular lotto game in Nigeria.

Baba Ijebu pay me my dough lagos and Baba Ijebu pay me my dough Ikeja are the two slangs used by people staying in Lagos and Ikeja to ask Baba Ijebu for their cash prize.

baba ijebu pay me my dough lagos

Baba Ijebu lotto (Baba ijebu pay me my dough) is located in Lagos. You can find the address, phone number and official page of the Baba Ijebu lotto page after reading this article here.


Baba Ijebu Pay Me My Fortune

Baba Ijebu pay me my dough is a famous slang amongst people that frequent the baba Ijebu agents and those that play the game online.

The slang Baba Ijebu pay me my dough simply means that the founder “Baba Ijebu” should pay them their prize money after they must have won any of the scheduled games.

Please find the list of some of the major Baba Ijebu games as follows; Baba Ijebu Diamond, Fortune, International, Bingo, Royal, Metro, Bonanza, Mid-week, Club Master, National, Fair chance, Enugu, etc. 

For more on how to get Baba Ijebu to pay you your dough, head over here.